Thursday, November 4, 2010

Self Portraits

So in case you don't know what I look like or am into, here's a self portrait:

It was nice to finally find a use to all that cursive writing we were taught in elementary school.  Remember how you were informed that you would use cursive every day and that all your future teachers will scoff at your flimsy penmanship?  Well guess what: NO I DON'T BECAUSE I HAVE A GOD DAMN COMPUTER, MRS. O'HARE!!!  Despite me going to college I have never had a Prof. require me to turn in a hand written in cursive paper.  NO ONE CARES, WHY DID WE HAVE IT DRILLED INTO US EVERY AFTERNOON!  Did I miss the time warp where we all traveled back to the Renaissance where printing presses were rare and penmanship was crucial?  I don't think so, because I'm thoroughly enjoying the benefits of electricity at this very moment, which became available in the 20th Century.
Time warp theory - disproven.
Therefore, cursive lessons = pointless.

I digress.

However, it appears a lot of the details were lost in the scanning process, it was originally supposed to look similar to this:

Technology is clearly against me in this post.  But the benefits of not having to use cursive all the time make it forgivable.

Thanks for visiting d00dz.  I can't believe I actually have page views :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow.
    Love the drawings. You are really talented ... and it doesn't hurt to be funny either!
    Kitties and chesse are subjects near and dear to my heart.

    Scott H.
